Wednesday, January 14, 2009

1/14/09 Alburquerque, NM

Hey, greetings from Miss Annie and Mr. Pete from the great state of New Mexico. Today was a long day from Oklahoma. It was over 10 hours of driving 80 miles an hour. Over 630 miles today thru very flat, flat land. We saw a place called Lake Meredith in OK and then a place called Logan, Texas.

I have taken pictures from the car going 80 miles an hour and they have amazingly come out okay. Sorry but I couldn't figure out how to get them on here.

Saw some small oil rigs pumping in Oklahoma and in Texas we saw 1,000's of cattle (poor things were waiting for "you know what"). But mmmmmmmmmm that steak was good!!!

Scenery was incredible and at one point we saw the horizon off in the distance and measured it at 11 miles. This was in Texas. Have seen lots of WindMills in both states. Now is New Mexico the mountains have started.

Oh, before we foget we saw a state park in Tennesse named "Toad Suck" and another one called "mothers milk". Some of the names are very strange.

Mr. Pete took a pp in Kickapoo. Oklahoma. Miss Annie hasn't figured out how to pp in a cup yet. so we have to stop for her.

Keep on trucking. On our way to San Jose (you know the song?).

Love, Miss Annie and Mr. Pete


  1. way to go! hope you are having fun

  2. You two look like your having a blast. Be careful and have fun

  3. -20 hope you are still hot your 3 or 4 hrs differance by now tried to call left message hope everythings alright call leave message incase im sleeping. put big toe in ocean for me.
